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VFK is awesome they have pirates ship battle out now!

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Q: What is a game like vmk?
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Related questions

What are some websites like VMK?

VirtualFamilyKingdom.Com is somewhat of a replacement game for VMK. VMKRevisited.Com offers a very nice replica of the game.

What is a game like Poptropica but not vmk funbrain or club penguin?

fantage, runescape, neopets or xivio

Why is vmk not working right now?

sometimes there is a problem in vmk and hosts have to close the game for a while vmk closed so it's not gonna work anymore now

Other places like club penguin?

Vmk, toontown, i suggest vmk

Will vmk ever come back?

Possibly, if Disney is ever nice. Honestly, I've always loved Disney, but for closing VMK, I like, hate it. :( It was the best game ever. I would SO pay for VMK to play if it reopened, and I bet so would every other person who played. VFK is making tons of money, but its not as fun as VMK. People would pay more for VMK and more people would play VMK than VFK. Probably, the answer is no.

Why doesnt avatar legends of the arena work?

You can download the game. but unfortunately they stopped the game for over a year now :/ just like vmk

How many boys are in vmk?

Lol i Dont Really Know How Many Boys There On In VMK But There Is ALOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And I <3 VMK Like Crazy my computer Wont Let Me Click It Right Now Fer Some Reason.Lol i Dont Really Know How Many Boys There On In VMK But There Is ALOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And I <3 VMK Like Crazy my computer Wont Let Me Click It Right Now Fer Some Reason.

Is vmk back?

Nope. VMK is not back.

What website is like vmk and you can be 12 or under?

Webkinz (Need to buy a plush toy) VFK VMK - Closed :( Poptropica Club Penguin

Vmk coming back?

I wish, but no. VMK was for a celebration.

Is there a website like vmk?

There are several websites that have virtual worlds and online games where you can interact with other players. While VMK, or the Virtual Magic Kingdom, was an online game, Clup Penguin is more than just a game because it has social networking for kids. Other websites for kids are Pixie Hollow World and Toontown.

Is vmk going to reopen?

VMK was apart of the 50th celebration and VMK didn't recommend to last forever like toontown or clubpenguin. Even though VMK is closing, it might reopen but you'll have to pay for it, also thee's also something called VFK (Virtual Family Kindom) which is like VMK only in the 1600s-1800s(Revolutionary times) Again We're all sad VMK is/has closed :I