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In the backyard.

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Q: Where did the game tag start?
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If you start a new game on yugioh GX tag force 2 will you loose all your cards?

yes you will

What is the tag?

It is a game.

What is 'on the tag'?

It is a game.

What part of speech is tag?

"Tag" can be a noun, a verb, or an interjection depending on the context in which it is used.

Success is the mind game. is the tag line of what brand?


Is tag a sport and why?

tag is not a sport it is a game that is fun for kids

Is dart tag a sport?

Dart tag is not a sport, it is a game you play with people: ex.nerf dart tag is a game. p.s. this is what me and my friends discussed about. XD

How can you play pixie hollow fairy tag game?

Tag is made up, all you do is fly around. There isnt any official tag game.

How do you download free taken tag game for PC?

Taken tag

Which cat chases the other in the playful game of tag?

In the playful game of tag, one cat chases the other.

How do you use tag in a sentence?

My mom forgot to remove the price tag from my shirt. The kids played a game of tag.

How can you change partner in yu-gi-oh tag force 2?

when u start the game chose "start from the beginning" instead of "continue", or make ur partner have 8 hearts