Go to the underground. After some digging you will find fossils. Depending on your trainer ID, you can only get one of the fossils before beating the elite four, and you can get the other after beating them. ONe fossil gets Cranidos, the other gets Sheildon.
its shieldon not sheldon. you get it by going underground and searching for fossils.
in the middle
You cannot see Murkrow in Pokemon Pearl. You must get one from the GTS, trade with someone with Pokemon Diamond, or migrate it from a GBA game.
on fullmoon island
well, there are tons of items, the main items are spheres (those let you buy things), fossils (you can go to oreburg and turn those fossils into other pokemon), and many many more.
fossils are found under ground
in the underground
Oreburgh Town
by digging them from underground
there is no fossils of squrtle in any game
Dig Underground
go to: http://www.anime.com/PokeMon/
only the underground.
you need to be more specific peoples!
6, there are seven fossil pokemon but you cannot get Cranidos.
Armour,Skull,Helix,Dome,Old Amber and Root Fossils.
Go to the Underground