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You can sometimes see Beautifly in the Enterna Forest.

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Q: Where can you see a beautifly on platinum?
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Where can you catch a beautifly in Pokemon Platinum?

You can catch Beautifly in Pokemon Platinum in Eterna Forest at Level 14. However, there's only a 1% chance of spotting one, so good luck.

How do you evolve a Caterpie into a beautifly in Pokemon platinum?

caterpie dosen't evolve into beutifly, its last evolution is butterfree

Where can you find dustox in Pokemon platinum?

You are able to get Dustox by evolving Cascoon. Wurmple-Silcoon-Beautifly Wurmple-Cascoon-Dustox

In Pokemon platinum which is better silcoon or cascoon?

they both suck. evolve cascoon into dustox, which i personally think is better than beautifly.

What time of day do you have to evolove wurmple into silcoon in Pokemon platinum?

morning because the healing one for beautifly is morning sun and for dustox it is moonlight

What Pokemon do you find in Pokemon platinum in eterna forest?

budew, buneary, bidoof, wurmple, kriketot, hoothoot, silcoon, cascoon, gastly, beautifly, dustox

Where to catch a beautifly?

On Wednesdays (after beating Red), you have to tune to the Pokemon music channel. Then, with that music playing, walk through the grass. You may find a Wurmple, and that can evolve into a Beautifly.

What does a silcoon evolve into?

Silcoon will evolve into Beautifly.

What type of Pokemon is Beautifly?

Beautifly is a Bug and Flying type pokemon.

Can the pokemon beautifly learn fly?

No, beautifly cannot learn fly.

Can the Pokemon beautifly learn the move fly?

No, Beautifly cannot learn Fly.

What level does the Pokemon silcoon evolve?

Silcoon evolves into Beautifly at level 10