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you gotta download it.

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Q: Where can you play sonic the heghog 2 online?
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Can you show me a picture of sonic the heghog?

sonic the heghog is a heghog, what kind of question is that? I meen really come one.T.T

Is sonic heroes for 2 players?

yes butt its funny if you play online !

Can you play as super sonic and shadow in 2 play with sonic adventure 2 battle?


Can you play sonic advance 2 online?

No. yes you can on this website you can on you have 5 gos eceh day

How do you hack Sonic Adventure 2 Battle and play as Metal Sonic?

But you can play metal sonic.

How many times do you have to beat all the games on the sonic mega collection to unlock the hidden ones?

You don't have to beat the games. You just have to play them a certain number of times. (You don't have to actually play them, you just have to open them.)To unlock the games:Blue Sphere - Play Sonic 1and Sonic 3D Blast 20 times each, or have a Phantasy Star Online Episode I and II save file on your memory card.Knuckles In Sonic 2 - Play Sonic 2 and Sonic Spinball 20 times each.Sonic 3 & Knuckles - Play Sonic 3 and Sonic & Knuckles 20 times each.Flicky - Play Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine 30 times, or have a Sonic Adventure 2: Battle save file on your memory card.Ristar - Play Blue Sphere, Knuckles In Sonic 2, Sonic 3 & Knuckles, and Flicky 30 times each.

How do you send a chao to tiny chao garden without sonic advance?

you have to buy sonic adventure dx, sonic adventure 2 battle, or pantasy star online. sonic advenure dx and sonic 2 battle are for gamecube or you can play them on wii with a controller and a memory card and a gameboy cable.

How do you play as super sonic in sonic adventure 2 battle?

you can only play as super sonic when you fight the finalhazard.

Where can you play free sonic 3?

The best place to play sonic 3 for free is can also play sonic 2 and 1 there

How do you play as DrRobotnik in Sonic the Hedgehog?

The only two games that allows you to play Eggman is Sonic Chronicles: The dark brotherhood and Sonic Adventure 2 / Sonic Adventure 2 Battle.

What levels will there be in Sonic Generations?

There will be 2 options: Play as the original Sonic in the original levels, or play as the newer Sonic in levels like in Sonic Colors or Sonic Unleashed.

How do you play sonic adventure dx online? (Downloadable sonic multiplayer online games) (Browser games) (downloadable sonic fan games)