You cannot play it online., you can play pokemon games up to 2nd generation.
There is no legal way to play Pokemon Platinum online for free. You need to purchase or rent the game on Nintendo DS or borrow the game from someone you know who is willing to lend it to you.
you can't
I believe it is impossible without a download.
You can play Pokemon orange online below but you have to download it.
Yes, if go to a website called VIZZED search Pokemon read go on and Google for free Pokemon games online
You cannot play it online.
Go to Pokemon indigo online.
Yes it is 100% free.
Yes you can play free on line
There's no Pokemon Black game online. It requires download as in ROM., you can play pokemon games up to 2nd generation.
There is only one way. And it is to go to and download there emulator. Then you can play any game online free.