you meet Cynthia by going to the sinjo ruins (show an arceus to the president at the ruins of alph) and she will help you get a sinnoh legendary egg (Palkia, Dialga, or Giratina) amd then the unown will warp you back to the ruins.
noyou cant battle Cynthia in soul silver. Even though she appears in the Arceus event, You cant battle her.
She is in the Sinjoh Ruins. This can only be accessed with bringing an event Arceus to the Ruins of Alph.
You meet Lance in Pokemon SoulSilver at the Lake of Rage, where he is investigating strange disturbances in the Pokemon, after you catch or defeat Shiny Red Gyrados, you and him team up and defeat the Team Rocket group who is hiding in the "Souvenier Shop".
meet blue, the gymleader on cinnabar island
no you can trade soulsilver pokemon to black
That is impossible in Pokemon HeartGold and SoulSilver.
Cynthia doesn't appear in SoulSilver. The Champion you verse is Lance. He has 3 Dragonites, a Charizard, an Aerodactyl, and a Gyarados.
noyou cant battle Cynthia in soul silver. Even though she appears in the Arceus event, You cant battle her.
She is in the Sinjoh Ruins. This can only be accessed with bringing an event Arceus to the Ruins of Alph.
Take Arceus as the main Pokemon to the Alph Ruins, and an old man will take you to a building in the sky. You will meet Cynthia then deposit all other Pokemon besides arceus and follow her to a cave. There stand on the top middle spot and you will get a lv 1 giratina.
when Cynthia says lets meet again she mean when you get to the Pokemon league and beat the elite four then you will see Cynthia and battle you will have to battle her
You meet Lance in Pokemon SoulSilver at the Lake of Rage, where he is investigating strange disturbances in the Pokemon, after you catch or defeat Shiny Red Gyrados, you and him team up and defeat the Team Rocket group who is hiding in the "Souvenier Shop".
meet blue, the gymleader on cinnabar island
You can get latios after you meet Steven, and latias through the enigma stone event.
steven has to be found in the museoum in peweter city an trade pokemon with him at saffron city
The Pokemon Champion is Cynthia
We first meet Cynthia After getting Crasher Wake's badge in Pastoria Town, and thereafter we only see her as the Pokemon League Champion.