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Q: Where can you install the BNU update for dota?
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How do you install dota all-stars?

Defense of the Ancients cannot be installed, as it is a map, not a separate game.First, you need to have Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Expansion pack. You need Warcraft: Reign of Chaos to install it)..... Then download the version of DotA you want. After downloading, go to C:\Program Files\Warcraft III, or wherever you've chosen to install the game, and then copy the map you downloaded and paste it into the Maps folder. You're finished then, but be sure you have the World Editor for DotA. You can download it from websites, but some CDs have map editors included. After downloading or pasting the map, open all the folders and find the "BNU ( Update", and then click it. After the update, copy the BNU Update, paste it to the folder you placed DotA in, and you're done. Just run Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne, go to single player, then custom game, and you'll find the map in the menu at the top.

Who created map of dota?

The original map variant was created by Eul, but he did not update the map. Steve "Guinsoo" Feak, would later create a version and update the map for 2 years, then handed the project off to Icefrog who has been working on Dota since 2005.

What is the password of dota 2 full game install compressed zip?

password is: bosnianboy2323

The sims 3 world adventures wont install because of update?

You must install the update before you install the Sims 3 World Adventures Expansion Pack. Install the update by going to your Sims 3 Game Launcher and clicking on the " Game Updates" tab.

How do I install Dota 2 in my computer and I already get the invites in my email?

Click the all games at the top left of steam,you will see the dota2 in there

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How do you install dota all-stars?

Defense of the Ancients cannot be installed, as it is a map, not a separate game.First, you need to have Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Expansion pack. You need Warcraft: Reign of Chaos to install it)..... Then download the version of DotA you want. After downloading, go to C:\Program Files\Warcraft III, or wherever you've chosen to install the game, and then copy the map you downloaded and paste it into the Maps folder. You're finished then, but be sure you have the World Editor for DotA. You can download it from websites, but some CDs have map editors included. After downloading or pasting the map, open all the folders and find the "BNU ( Update", and then click it. After the update, copy the BNU Update, paste it to the folder you placed DotA in, and you're done. Just run Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne, go to single player, then custom game, and you'll find the map in the menu at the top.

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Who created the game dota?

The original map variant was created by Eul, but he did not update the map. Steve "Guinsoo" Feak, would later create a version and update the map for 2 years, then handed the project off to Icefrog who has been working on Dota since 2005.

Who created dota game?

The original map variant was created by Eul, but he did not update the map. Steve "Guinsoo" Feak, would later create a version and update the map for 2 years, then handed the project off to Icefrog who has been working on Dota since 2005.

Who created map of dota?

The original map variant was created by Eul, but he did not update the map. Steve "Guinsoo" Feak, would later create a version and update the map for 2 years, then handed the project off to Icefrog who has been working on Dota since 2005.

What is the password of dota 2 full game install compressed zip?

password is: bosnianboy2323

The sims 3 world adventures wont install because of update?

You must install the update before you install the Sims 3 World Adventures Expansion Pack. Install the update by going to your Sims 3 Game Launcher and clicking on the " Game Updates" tab.

I was about to update my ipod but it was a bad update so i cancelled can i still sync or will it update it?

iTunes should ask you if you want to install it. iTunes should not install it when syncing without your permission.

How do you install service pack 1 for windows vista can not do it through windows update?

You can download through windows update, and it will also install it for you.

How do you install java for RuneScape?

Download the new java update and install. It should be Version 7 Update 7.

Can't install a update onto my ps3?

I found that I could not install an update until after I removed a Game disk. No message was given the install just would not work and it did as soon as the disk was removed

Why didn't the hp update 5.2 install?

I don't know, but it didn't install for me either!