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beat red and go to silph co.

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Q: Where can you get torchic in Soul Silver?
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What level does torchic evolve in soul silver?

Torchic evolves first at level 16 into Combusken then again at 36 into Blaziken

Pokemon Diamond how to get torchic?

Trade from pokemon soul silver or another pokemon game

Can you get Sinnoh starters in soul silver?

no but later on in the game you can get charmander, squirtle or bulbasaur and treeko, torchic or mudkip

Where to find torchic in soul silver?

If you have beaten all the 16 Gyms and Red at the top of Mount Silver, you can get a Torchic, a Mudkip or a Treecko from Steven at Silph. Co. in Saffron City. Remember to answer "RED" when Steven asks you. Then he will give you a Torchic. You have to make space in your party for it to receive it.

Where is torchic in soul silver?

You have to beat Red and go to saffron city and see Steven at silphco and you can choose treeko mudkip or torchic. you could also migrate blaziken from 3rd gen games and make them breed

What Pokemon does steven give you in soul silver?

Steven, as the Champion of Hoenn Region, gives you one of the Hoenn starters, which are Treeko, Mudkip, and Torchic.

Who is the trainer or who are the trainers who have torchic in soulsilver?

After you meat Steven for the first time in Pokemon soul silver/heart gold, go to Silph Co. and talk to Steven again. then chose the red stone and make sure you have a empty spot in you party and you will receive torchic

What do you do after prof oak gives you another starter in soul silver?

you can go to saffron's tallest buiding talk to Steve , and choose red torchic, blue, mudkip, or trekko(sorry for misspelling)

How do you get the hoen starters in soul silver?

to get the hoen starters get the 16 badges then go to the silph co. then you will see steven and he asks you what color rock you pick.then you get one of them. green=treecko blue=mudkip red=torchic

Where is rock tunnel in soul silver?

in soul silver

Which of these is the real game that's coming out Pure Silver or Silver Soul?

Neither. The new game is called Soul Silver, not Silver Soul.

Where is enthrix city in soul silver?

no such thing not in soul silver