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i think you can get timer balls on two island after you Complete Celio's Network Machine

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Q: Where can you get timer balls in firered?
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How do you get timer balls in pokemon firered?

the small store/stand on island #2

Where do you get timer balls in emreld version?

You can only buy timer balls in rustboro.

Where to get timer balls in Pokemon sappire?

Timer balls can be found in the Pokemart in Rustboro City

How do you catch the 3 birds in FireRed?

Best method: Weaken each as much as you can make it sleep or paralyze it then use as many ultra balls and timer balls as possible if you caught the bird before or own each use repeat balls.

In firered i don't have a master ball so how am i going to catch mewtwo?

You have to buy about 45 timer balls on 2 island after you beat the elite 4 and that's how i did my.

How do you get timer balls in Pokemon Leafgreen?

there are no timer balls in fire red or leaf green..veronica

Where do you get the timer balls in Sapphire Pokemon?

Once you help the Devon corp you can purchase timer balls and repeat balls at the rustboro city pokemart.

How do you get timer balls and dusk balls?

You can get them in snowpoint city

Where can you find Timer Balls in Pokemon heartgold?

Timer balls are only in Pearl and Diamond

Where are timer balls Pokemon HeartGold?

Timer balls are pokeballs but are more effective the longer the battle has been going.

Were do you find timer balls?

A timer ball is good to use when you want to catch a Pokemon you've battled for a while. The more turns you have in a battle, the better more chance you have to catch to Pokemon with a timer ball. (I caught my Groudon in Emerald with a timer ball ^_^)

Where can you get a timer ball in pokemon firered?

After getting the ruby and sapphire and giving them to celio go to two island and talk to the guy running the shop he will mention he has new items keep talking to him and he will soon add all the items now you can buy timer balls from him.