After getting the ruby and sapphire and giving them to celio go to two island and talk to the guy running the shop he will mention he has new items keep talking to him and he will soon add all the items now you can buy timer balls from him.
ummm i think you can find it on two island...
you cant get a timer ball in emerald
A timer ball in ruby? i thought that was only diamond and pearl!?
You have to go and then go and then go to your home in Pokemon then you have to have a Lugia to have a light ball in firered
TM 30 is Shadow Ball
ummm i think you can find it on two island...
you cant get a timer ball in emerald
A timer ball in ruby? i thought that was only diamond and pearl!?
the small store/stand on island #2
yes you can!
with a master ball or timer ball
There is no dark ball in Pokemon fire red
You have to go and then go and then go to your home in Pokemon then you have to have a Lugia to have a light ball in firered
you get the timer ball by going to a pokemart in a pokecenter and go to the guy on the left and he gives you pokeballs or letters
A timer ball is good to use when you want to catch a Pokemon you've battled for a while. The more turns you have in a battle, the better more chance you have to catch to Pokemon with a timer ball. (I caught my Groudon in Emerald with a timer ball ^_^)
brug timer ball