Find it on the ground (limited). Have a party of Linoones or zigzaggons, they may pick protein up. Or but it at Slateport from the Energy Guru by the market area.
its not an emerald its RAYQUAZA the main legendary Pokemon in Pokemon emerald.
You cannot get a Yanma in Pokemon Emerald, as only Hoenn Region Pokemon can be found in Pokemon Emerald.
where do you get the spade from on Pokemon emerald
rotom isn't in Pokemon emerald
defog is not in emerald,
make it happy by giving it zinc, protein,and carbos then use rarecandy or lvlup it
its not an emerald its RAYQUAZA the main legendary Pokemon in Pokemon emerald.
You cannot get a Yanma in Pokemon Emerald, as only Hoenn Region Pokemon can be found in Pokemon Emerald.
There is no PalPark in Pokemon Emerald.
emerald no doubt
where can i find groudan in Pokemon emerald
where do you get the spade from on Pokemon emerald
rotom isn't in Pokemon emerald
defog is not in emerald,
There is no Autosave in Pokemon Emerald.
Pokemon Emerald: Birth Island Pokemon Sapphire: Trade from Pokemon FireRed, LeafGreen, or Emerald. Pokemon Ruby: Trade from Pokemon FireRed, LeafGreen, or Emerald.