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Q: Where can you get pivot 3 addons?
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Is there such thing as Pivot 4.0?

Nope there is no Pivot 4.0 there is only pivot 3 beta pivot 3.1

In the full version of pivot 3 will you be able to use your pivot 3 beta stick figures?

Peter Bone abandoned Pivot 3. AND NO

When does pivot 3 come out?

It is already out just type pivot 3 on google.

Where do you download pivot 3?

search on google ''pivot beta 3 download''

Where can you download pivot beta 3 for free?

Go to this website to download Pivot Beta 3:

How do you download pivot 3 not beta?

at the moment there is no non-beta pivot 3 available

What is the newest pivot?

so far i think it is pivot 3 beta

How do you get droidzcom to let you use pivot 3 sprites if you have both pivot 2 and 3?

You may have downloaded 2 first making it the deafalt one and then got 3 so the computer thinks that you are getting pivot 3 sprites for pivot 2. Hope this helps.

How do you change from pivot 2.2.5 to Pivot 3.0 on droidz?

You cant on droidz but you need to dounload pivot 3 (I recomend )

What is better pivot v2.25 or pivot 3 beta?

2.25 is better because beta means basic and stuff so wait til plain pivot 3

Can pivot 2.2.5 sprites be used on pivot 3 beta?

Yess Yess