Pineco is very rare. The only way to find it is to Headbutt trees. I've heard that Pineco is mostly found by people who Headbutt trees around New Bark Town.
Pineco evolves into Forretress at Level 31.
level 31
To get Forretress you need to evolve a Pineco. To get a Pineco you need a Pokemon that knows Headbutt. Use Headbutt on a tree and a Pokemon will fall out. This can be a Pineco. Ilex Forest is an example where you can come upon Pineco by headbutting treees.
trade that steven dude for an evolved pineco
You get pineco by headbutting trees.
Pineco evolves into Forretress at Level 31.
L.v 31
it evolves from pineco at level 31
level 31
Evolve a Pineco at level 31. Pineco can be found by Headbutting certain trees.
To get Forretress you need to evolve a Pineco. To get a Pineco you need a Pokemon that knows Headbutt. Use Headbutt on a tree and a Pokemon will fall out. This can be a Pineco. Ilex Forest is an example where you can come upon Pineco by headbutting treees.
trade that steven dude for an evolved pineco
yes you can only catch a pineco on kanto because it is native to that region/
You cannot find Forretress in the wild. You have to evolve it from a Pineco. Pineco can be found in a tree when you headbutt it in the Ilex Forest.
Pineco evolves into Forretress at Level 31.
Pineco does not evolve with a stone.
you cant find him you have to level a pineco up to level 31 then it will eveolve