In the goldenrodlottery on the highest floor in goldenrod shopcenter. It is the second price in the lottery some days (don't now wich days, check by chanching the days on ur NDS). Hope it helped and sorry if my English is bad!
Goldenrod City Department Store drawing 2nd Prize [sunday]
In Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver, the PokéBalls that you can get are: Poké Balls, Heal Balls, Great Balls, Net Balls, Dusk Balls, Friend Balls, Level Balls, Moon Balls, Heavy Balls, Lure Balls, Fast Balls, Luxury Balls, Ultra Balls, Love Balls, Nest Balls, Premier Balls, Quick Balls, Repeat Balls, Safari Balls, Timer Balls and Master Balls.
with action replay you can get 999 master balls
Luxury balls are a type of Poke ball for the game Pokemon. They are hard to find, so are worth more than other types of balls.
Goldenrod City Department Store drawing 2nd Prize [sunday]
In Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver, the PokéBalls that you can get are: Poké Balls, Heal Balls, Great Balls, Net Balls, Dusk Balls, Friend Balls, Level Balls, Moon Balls, Heavy Balls, Lure Balls, Fast Balls, Luxury Balls, Ultra Balls, Love Balls, Nest Balls, Premier Balls, Quick Balls, Repeat Balls, Safari Balls, Timer Balls and Master Balls.
my balls
with action replay you can get 999 master balls
Luxury Balls are at the shop in Sunnyshore City.
Luxury balls are a type of Poke ball for the game Pokemon. They are hard to find, so are worth more than other types of balls.
You can only buy Luxury Balls at the PokéMarts in Sunyshore City and in the Pokémon League.
go cut your own balls... sucker! jepoy
You get safari balls after you enter in safari zone and just in there.
impossible you can't do it