In Route 209. When you come out from Hearthome City, Go across the first bridge, then take the net two bridges where the jogger is running next to the little twins. There will be two berry plants. One of them are the leppa berries.
Ethers and Leppa berries will recover PP. They're both hard to find, but if you catch some Clefairy Pokemon they might hold a Leppa berry.
You can use elixirs, max elixers, and leppa berries.
You can grab an illumise with the attack covet and go to Mr. backlots garden when he says there are clefairy or cleffa they hold a leppa berry 50% of the time the attack will take the item if your chaining you can obtain 15-20 berrys a run using this method
There are some berries you can use the ones I normally use are cheri berries and leppa berries. I'll update the list when I test out all the berries I have in my bag. This is what I use in Pokemon Diamond but I think the berries are the same on both games aren't they. You can check the tags on the berries you have and see whether they have a more spicy flavor than the other flavors and test that out.
Unfortunately, you can't buy them. You can only find them in hidden area's or in rocks. An alternative is to grow Leppa Berries, since they restore PP as well.
Ethers and Leppa berries will recover PP. They're both hard to find, but if you catch some Clefairy Pokemon they might hold a Leppa berry.
You can use elixirs, max elixers, and leppa berries.
Leppa Berries are usually not hard to find in the Pokemon games. It can be found growing in a sizable number of Routes though some are hidden. They can also be found in Flower Shops or given by NPCs. In Pokemon HeartGold and SoulSilver however they are hidden in the Ruins of Alph.
go to check tag and it will show you
You can grab an illumise with the attack covet and go to Mr. backlots garden when he says there are clefairy or cleffa they hold a leppa berry 50% of the time the attack will take the item if your chaining you can obtain 15-20 berrys a run using this method
There are some berries you can use the ones I normally use are cheri berries and leppa berries. I'll update the list when I test out all the berries I have in my bag. This is what I use in Pokemon Diamond but I think the berries are the same on both games aren't they. You can check the tags on the berries you have and see whether they have a more spicy flavor than the other flavors and test that out.
Unfortunately, you can't buy them. You can only find them in hidden area's or in rocks. An alternative is to grow Leppa Berries, since they restore PP as well.
in the basement of the giant mart in veilstone city
At least 20( a lot)
It wont die if that's what your thinking but me personnaly as a breeder i take all berries i see
Bidoof usually holds berries, the are always oran berries in Platinum, so it should be the same in Pokemon Diamond and Pearl. Hope this helped:)
you have to move around with the Pokemon that you want to make happy in the first in the party. You can also feed Poffins or berries.