You can get the dark master from or lucky packets you can not get this card in tins or boxes but you could also win the card in a duel that's how i got mine. I won so my friend let me pick a random card and it turned out to be that one
No, there is no authentic card called "Exodia the Dark Master".
'Exodia the Dark Master' is a fake card and cannot be used.
The card named 'Exodia the Dark Master' is a counterfeit card, and not worth anything.
Yes it is fake, there is no such card as Exodia the Dark Master
The card 'Exodia the Dark Master', with infinite attack, is a fake card. It is not even based on a real card, it is 100% fictional. Therefore there are no game rules to apply to it.
No, there is no authentic card called "Exodia the Dark Master".
'Exodia the Dark Master' is a fake card and cannot be used.
If you have a card called "Exodia the Dark Master", then it is a fake. There is no authentic card with that name.
The card named 'Exodia the Dark Master' is a counterfeit card, and not worth anything.
'Exodia the Dark Master' is a fake card. There is no real card of that name.
Yes it is fake, there is no such card as Exodia the Dark Master
The card 'Exodia the Dark Master', with infinite attack, is a fake card. It is not even based on a real card, it is 100% fictional. Therefore there are no game rules to apply to it.
There is no legitimate card called Exodia the Dark Master. It is a well-known fake, and has 'Infinite' for attack, which is indication enough that the card is fake.
No, any card of that name is a counterfeit card.
The only legal, legitimate 'Exodia' cards are the five '..the Forbidden One' cards, 'Exodius the Ultimate Forbidden Lord', 'Exodia Necross', and 'Exxod, Master of the Guard' (who is Exodia's ultimate defence aspect, rather than ultimate attack). Any other thing that resembles him is a fake, including oddly named cards like "Darkly Big Rabbi" and "Exodia the Dark Master".
First they were released in Legend of Blue-Eyes white Dragon (a common misconception is that they are in Yugi starter decks), Exodia the Forbidden one was released in the Master Collection 1, they were all released in Dark Legends, Retro Pack 1, Dark Beginnings Vol1, and in the Yugioh GX Ultimate Beginner's Pack.
yugioh card maker