Galanoth in Vasalkar's Lair (/join lair) will give quests that when finished, open a shop in which the Dragonslayer Class can be bought for 10,000 gold. A little might be needed near the end.
The quests that have to be accomplished are:
Mana Regeneration: Dragonslayers gain mana when they:
Favorable Stats:
you do all the non-member quests in dragons lair
You cant, you must finish all the quest from that dragon slayer master guy Galonath to unlock the shop in the dragon lair.or you couldd cheat and get aqwacker and load the dragonslayer shop.
You could get the Dragonslayer in Aqworlds by completing all quests Og Galanoth in Dragon Lair.
You get Paladin class in AQWorlds from Artix in Swordhaven (he is found in the inn).
goto vasalkas lair and talk to the grey dragon dude complete most of his quests and u can buy the dragonslayer class/armor
you do all the non-member quests in dragons lair
Yes you just have to complete all Galanoth's quests and then you can click "Shop" and you can buy: Dragon Wings , Dragonslayer Helm , Dragonslayer Class, and Pet Baby Red Dragon. Hope this helped ^^
galanoth hes leader you wasted your time if you've seen it right
do all of galanoth's quests at the lair
You cant, you must finish all the quest from that dragon slayer master guy Galonath to unlock the shop in the dragon lair.or you couldd cheat and get aqwacker and load the dragonslayer shop.
You could get the Dragonslayer in Aqworlds by completing all quests Og Galanoth in Dragon Lair.
I strongly suggest that Shaman is the strongest. the wiki for aqworlds says it recommends it for bosses and hard to beat battles. But if you want the second best I suggest Ninja, Doom-knight or Dragonslayer. Please keep this wise answer in mind!!
You don't get dragonslayer "exp" you do get DragonSlayer armor skills and lvl ups (armor wise) to do this go to Galonth and do his quests after you have his class set as your main class
I've already got dragonslayer on the first day it was out..but I can help if you want. User: Atenzia
Easy! Just Follow these Simple Steps!1) Log into AQWorlds2) On the Left hand corner there is a Chat bar, Click on it and Type '/join Lair'3) Go Inside and Talk to the NPC 'Galanoth'4) Complete his Quests to Unlock his Shop5) Purchase Dragonslayer ClassEnjoy:)
You must talk to Galanoth and do his quest and he will level up your DragonSlayer class.
By joining vasalkar lair, you can get Dragonslayer by doing the quests from Galanoth, who stands inside the cave. Dragonslayer is a class, bought with 10,000 gold.