Rock Incense is found in Diglett's Cave. You can access it from two points on the map, route 11 or route 2. You'll need HM08 (Rockclimb) in order to scale the ledge where it's found. You can obtain HM08 from Professor Oak as a gift after you defeat all of the Kanto Gym Leaders.
Graveler evolves when you tade it :)
Professor Oak gives you it after you get 16 badges
in soul silver
you find it in cerculan city, right then you will find a pokeball, pick it up, it is a kings rock
Yes, he can, by trading him whilst he is holding a king's rock.
The Rock Incense is in Mt. Mortar. I don't know exactly where, but it's there.
have a Pokemon who knows rock climb and rock smash
You need to have the move rock climb
South From where the the first gym is!
Onix and Geodude are two I know.
You can find a Rock Incense in the Digglett's Cave in Kanto.
In the hot spring
Rock climb
right next to the place you find soodowoodo
Graveler evolves when you tade it :)
Professor Oak gives you it after you get 16 badges
you use rock climb