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you find it in cerculan city, right then you will find a pokeball, pick it up, it is a kings rock

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Q: In Pokemon soul silver where is a kings rock?
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South From where the the first gym is!

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Onix and Geodude are two I know.

What do you do with a kings rock in soul silver?

you give it to a poliwhirl or slowpoke,trade them and they evolve into politoed and slowking

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In the hot spring

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Rock climb

Where do you get a kings rock in Pokemon soul silver?

Slowpoke Well. After getting the National Dex you can buy a King's Rock in the Pokeathlon Dome for 3000P. You can buy it on Monday's and Thursdays. You can buy it on Saturdays before getting the National Dex.

Were do you get rock smash in Pokemon soul silver?

right next to the place you find soodowoodo

What level does graveler the rock Pokemon evolve at in soul silver?

Graveler evolves when you tade it :)

Where to get rock climb in Pokemon soul silver?

Professor Oak gives you it after you get 16 badges

In Pokemon soul silver how do you get to that item outside mt mortar that requires rock climb?

you use rock climb