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There are multiple ways of getting a Leaf Stone on Pokemon Soulsilver or Heartgold.


Step 1. Head to the Viridian Forest in Kanto.

Step 2. To the west of the south entrance of the Viridian Forest will be a Leaf Stone.



  • You must have reached the National Park and the Pokeathlon Dome.

Step 1. When you start your DS, go to Settings and change the date to a Saturday.

Step 2. Restart your DS and go to the National Park, then to the Pokeathlon Dome.

Step 3. Inside the dome, you may get a Leaf Stone for just 2500 P (points). In order to earn points, you must compete in a contest (jumping, speed, stamina, strenght, and power) to get points.

Step 4. Once you have enough, you may purchase the Leaf Stone near the counter towards the right.

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Q: Where can you get a leaf stone on Pokemon HeartGold?
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you can get one in viridian forest that's all I know.

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leaf stone,lvl up with high freandship

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It will only evolve through the use of a leaf stone.

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I believe it is something like a shiny Pokemon or shiny leaf stone. Getting a shiny Pokemon takes LOTS of luck, and a shiny leaf stone I think you find in patches of grass outside of Violet City in HeartGold. Hope this answers your question

Which Pokemon can use the leaf stone HeartGold?

Gloom -> Vileplume Weepinbell -> Victreebell Exegcute -> Exeggutor

Which Pokemon evolve with a leaf stone in Pokemon Heartgold?

Gloom into Vileplume Weepinbell into Victrebel Exeggcute into Exeggutor and Nuzleaf into Shiftry.

What does a leaf stone do in HeartGold?

It evolves grass type pokemon..... Just like in EVERY OTHER GAME....

How do you get a Victreebel in Pokemon HeartGold and SoulSilver?

You will either have to evolve a Weepinbell with a leaf stone or trade it from somebody

What is the Pokemon that bill's father wants to see in Pokemon HeartGold?

There are various types of Pokemon he wants to see. Match the description of the Pokemon he gives to you to one of the Pokemon below:Oddish (Leaf Stone)Staryu (Water Stone)Growlithe* (Fire Stone)Vulpix* (Fire Stone)Pichu (Thunder Stone)*Note: Vulpix is sought after in Pokemon SoulSilver, while Growlithe is sought after in Pokemon HeartGold. Growlithe and Vulpix are one of some version-specific Pokemon.

What are the Pokemon that you have to give to bills grandfather-Pokemon HeartGold?

He will ask you a simple question relating to a Pokemon and he will give you an evolutionary stone. Here are the Pokemon you show and what stone corresponds to it. Lickitung (or Jigglypuff)- Everstone growlithe (or vulpix)- Fire stone pichu- thunderstone staryu (or Marill)- water stone oddish- leaf stone