Team Fortress 2 supports most image types, so you can load any type of image you wish from your computer.
Yes. TF2 is a GREAT game, and I recommend you "buy" it. TF2 is now free to Play.
No you cannot trade weapons for beta tf2 to normal tf2. Beta Tf2 is considered to be a completely different game by steam. Therefore the two game's inventories are not compatible.
Try lowering your graphics settings.
Weapons cannot be "leveled up" in TF2
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You must make sure your spray is in .vtf format, .png will also work. Ensure you uploaded it correctly. If the spray your trying to upload STILL doesn't work try a different one. [EDIT GIFS ALSO WORK] Sprays also need to be allowed on the server you are playing on. my tf2 spray wont spray and my tf2 wont start up
If you want to get a spray in tf2, you can do these things. 1. you can pick a screenshot you have taken in the game, by going to options, multiplayer, import spray, and find the files with the names "xxx is looking good!" where xxx is the persons name. 2. u can go to a site like and pick a spray, download it, and save it in the right folders, which the site will tell you. 3. in import spray, I'm sure you can find your own pictures, but i don't know which filenames like jpg and bmp, works, and what size the picture need to be. good luck!
Yes. TF2 is a GREAT game, and I recommend you "buy" it. TF2 is now free to Play.
No, TF2 is not playable on a phone
TF2 is free-to-play
No you cannot trade weapons for beta tf2 to normal tf2. Beta Tf2 is considered to be a completely different game by steam. Therefore the two game's inventories are not compatible.
The heavy's name in TF2 is Dimitri Stanlevkov.
Try lowering your graphics settings.
Go on to options and click on the multiplayer tab. In the tab there will be a section that is called sprays, click upload a spray and select the spray from your computer. To use the spray in game walk up to any surface (apart from water) eg. a wall, the floor and press the key 'T'. Hope this helps =)
Just looking at the Steam ID Stats for Dad22, I would say he is an ok player.
mw3 is awesome very awesome for awesome people and this stupid tf2, the gun suck, everything in tf2 is suckish. play mw3, mw3 is the best and tf2 are for noobs and losers