No you cannot trade weapons for beta tf2 to normal tf2. Beta Tf2 is considered to be a completely different game by steam. Therefore the two game's inventories are not compatible.
if you are f2p the rune scimy if you are p2p the granite mual or odison weps w/ berserker necklace
there are 5 halo games friend.halohalo1halo2halo3halo ODSTHalo warsi hear talk on some creater forums about a sixth game called "Halo Confinment" where you are alone on a planet, only people with you are teaming hordes of the covanent. no marine weps, or vehicle, its a straight up covanent world. oh, and your a spartin [ BUT DIDENT THE LAST ONE DIE?!?!?!?!?!?!?!1111111] yes he did, but they started creating them again.hope this helps you out man!
The godswords hit very high and each have a very powerful and useful special attack. However, keep in mind they are is two handed, and is very slow. on the other hand, the abyssal whip, hits twice as fast while also hitting considerably high. that basically means that about every five seconds, the whip can hit two considerably high hits while the godsword gets only one. that makes whip a much better option. Now about the ancient warrior weps and armour(vesta,statius,zuriel,etc.). they are not the best weapons, because you can't really count on them. The brothers' armours and weapons are also very strong, each with a unique ability. even though it degrades, it lasts around 15 hours IN COMBAT. So it can be reliable. it also tells you how much longer it can degrade so, you'll know how long you can use it. Some people use those strong weapons. so to decide between abyssal whip or barrows weps, depends. If you like the special, and you have enough money for the set, go for it. if you don't, just settle on with dragon or barrows armour with abyssal whip. keep in mind the whip also has a special attack useful for many situations. best weapon=abyssal whip or barrows weapons. _________________________________________________________________ (New person speaking) If you are looking for the highest hitting weapon it is the "anchor" or "vesta Longsword". the strongest weapon is a primal 2 handed or chaotic maul ________________________________________________________________ (Another new Guy) If you want the best DPS, you must get Chaotic weapons from dungeoneering rewards. Those weapons degrade after 10 hours. If you would like fast, high DPS weapons that DO-NOT degrade, I would recommend the dragon claws as the special attack is extremely powerful, potentially higher than an Armadyl Godsword's special attack.
WEPS was created on 1950-01-13.
i know all weps. cheats only on PC : UZUMYMW -crazy weps LXGIWYL -gangster weps KJKSZPJ -professional weps for ammu without limit ;) FULLCLIP for no police ;) AEZAKMI this are all weps. cheats + ammu without limit + no police. N-joy it! (weps. =weapons)
Easy Way: Pick 'em up after the CT dies. Eezy way:Freeze 'em after they got weps and pwnt t'em and 'et 'eir weps.
check its the best for ticks and weps and more!
sorry,you cant, you have to find them again (random drop)
J. . Crevecoeur has written: 'Water expandable polystyrene (weps)'
Mace of the Grand Inquisitor from the grand inquisitor.
Unlock the first shop in pvp. youll get water weps there.
it means you can have 2 primary weps instead of 1 primary and 1 secondary
You can't "make you're owm weapon but ther is color customizable weps.
Many weps look good but it depends on what type of damage is good for a class unstable weapons are great with chaos shaper and vindicator of they but are crap with cardclasher. rogue is better of with unstable weps. Dlord is good with both. The best looking weapon in my opinion is ungodly reavers of nulgath
doom weapons palladium weapon icy weapons and more and destin weps