You can get a good leveled staff at Barrens Outpost, Frysteland or Fortune City.
go to barren outpost there are some Good ones there
I think the best one is the Bounty Hunter since they (to me) level up faster ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lots of people consider Cyber Hunter, Tactical Mercenary and Blood Mage to be the best classes because they are "Upgrades" of the starting classes and cost varium or 50,000 credits but how good you are depends on your build and equipment.
Yes!!watch it it is epic!
Service staff are people who do background jobs and menial tasks. Cleaning and catering are good examples.
you have to duel him ten times. he isreally good but i hav him as my partner
go to barren outpost there are some Good ones there
Highest dex you can get.
press alt and f4 and epic duel is of well u can come on it again just in case maybe if u hear ur parents coming press alt and f4 good luck
Well you have to ask a leader/chief in a faction to invite You have to be a good level or they would not pick you. There has to be a space for you. You win 1vs1 or 2vs2 and get influence then you would be put on the leaderboard
Well you can do a cheat by looking it up on youtube or if you are really good at it
Chapatiz Runescape, epic duel, Ps3 online...
Yes. Epic is a good word. :d
Balanced mage Kind of high of everything Reroute, deadly aim, and healing is the key for a good tech mage build
I think the best one is the Bounty Hunter since they (to me) level up faster ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lots of people consider Cyber Hunter, Tactical Mercenary and Blood Mage to be the best classes because they are "Upgrades" of the starting classes and cost varium or 50,000 credits but how good you are depends on your build and equipment.
a gamer tag containing the word epic or so good its epic
ok. most of you lower levels wont be happy, but you need to get to level 30 before you can do the quest for the staff. Once you get to level 30, the quest is kinda hard unless you have ppl that already have staff or are good fighters with you. If ur looking to level up, i suggest tormenta if u can take the bosses