the Pokemon that have flame body are mostly magmar,torcoal or slugma
No, unfortunately only the abilities Magma Armor and Flame Body halves the number of steps required to hatch an egg in Pokemon Emerald and afterward.
use action replay or a pokemon with the "flame body" ability
You have to walk around with it. It will hatch faster if you have a Pokemon with the ability Flame Body.
Flame Body is not a move, it is an ability.
the Pokemon that have flame body are mostly magmar,torcoal or slugma
The Pokemon that has the POKE POWER flame body is Magmar which you can get either from Pokemon platinum or by transfer from Pokemon fire red
Flame Body is a Pokemon ability, so it is not a TM. Flame Body is not a move either. The Pokemon that have this ability are: Magby Magmar Magmortar Slugma Magcargo
sometimes this will actually work, sometimes not. it depend on your luck, as emerald is a primitive game compared to today. i recommend you to try it! it didnt work for me. lol X(
No, it's ability isn't Flame Body or is it classified as that.
No, unfortunately only the abilities Magma Armor and Flame Body halves the number of steps required to hatch an egg in Pokemon Emerald and afterward.
i am confident that slugma and magcargo can have flame body in fiery path
macargo has it
gat a torcoal or a slugma
Catch a Slugma or a Torcoal