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you migrate them from fire red or leaf green or trade them from soul silver or heart gold

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Q: Where can you get Kanto starters on Pokemon pearl?
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Can you get starters from Hoenn Kanto or Johto in Pokemon pearl?

not originally, but if you migrate them then yes.

What to do if you can't get the Kanto starters?

Use different pokemon.

On Pokemon soul silver can you go in the heonn region?

No u cant but u can go to Kanto , also get hoenn starters and kanto starters

Were to get all three kanto starters in Pokemon silver?

in my heart

When do you get your Starters in Kanto in Pokemon SoulSilver?

after you beat red in Mt.silver

Where can you find the kanto starters on Pokemon Black and White?

You can't.

Do you get a starter Pokemon in Kanto?

Yes, you do. The starters are Squrtile, Bulbasaur, and Charmander.

How can you get the Kanto starters in Pokemon Silver?

You can't. You'll need to trade for them.

How do you get a second starter Pokemon in Pokemon soul silver?

I think once you beat every Gym Leader in Kanto, you go to Oak's Lab and he might give you Kanto starters. (Charmander, Bulbasaur, or Squirtle you choose which one.) If I'm wrong you can be mad at me if you want. <3

Were to get a Charmander?

You can only get a Charmander or any of the Kanto starters from Pokemon Leafgreen and Firered version. You will have to trade these pokemons into your Ruby, Sapphire ,Emerald, Diamond ,Pearl ,Plantimun, Heartgold and Soulsilver.

Do you get the Kanto starters in Pokemon white?

No. You will need to transfer them over from an older game.

How do you get the Kanto starters in crystal?

use the time capsule upstairs in the Pokemon center