I think once you beat every Gym Leader in Kanto, you go to Oak's Lab and he might give you Kanto starters. (Charmander, Bulbasaur, or Squirtle you choose which one.) If I'm wrong you can be mad at me if you want. <3
if you want the kanto and hoehn starters you must beat red,the stongest trainer,if you want sinoh starters,you must trade them from Pokemon pearl,diamond or platinum,if you want the other jotoh starter,you can get them over WiFi,(if you have internet conetion)
hope this helps! ;D
Choose Cyndaquil as your starter and evolve him.
you have to trade them
no theres not but theres Pokemon heart and glod plus Pokemon soul silver your starter Pokemon follow you in that game
Gold silver and crystal but you can also get on emerald if you complete the hoenn dex. Also you can choose it as a starter in Soul Silver and Heart Gold
yes trade with a friend
You get it from Professor Elms Lab.
you must trade with a freind that has a starter pokemon that you dont have.
you cant its a starter Pokemon
You can't but you can get the starter pokemon.
What you do is train up another pokemon and yours to a high level in the grass
chikorita it gets pretty tough
yeah i think soo
I personally think its totodile.
Cyndaquil totidile and chorkira
Cyndaquil by far
go to hoenn by tradeing pokemon.