

Best Answer

you do it just like you do in gold

-not true

its really really hard you have to catch all 3 legendary dogs and talk to the head sage in the tin tower hell give u the rainbow wing revealing the stairs

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Q: Where can you get Ho-oh in crystal version?
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How do you get a hooh with modifier?

Shut up and listen WHAT the hell is hooh hooh or Ho-Oh is a legendary Pokemon in the Pokemon games Pokemon Gold/Silver/Crystal. I don`t exually have an answer for the first question though...

How do you trade Pokemon from gold version to crystal version?

If you can trade Pokemon from crystal version to gold version my guess is yes

Where you can catch registeel in crystal version?

Registeel doesn't exist in crystal version.

How do you trade from crystal to crystal?

To trade Pokemon from Pokemon Crystal version to another version of Crystal you need to use a link cable. You can also battle this way.

What is the last version of Pokemon in GBC?

Crystal version.

Where do you find Heracross in Pokemon Crystal Version?

In Pokemon Crystal Version, a Heracross will occasionally appear when you use headbutt on trees.

How can you get Ho-oh in fire red version?

you need to go to navel rock and go up up up up up up up up and up to get hooh

It is possible to trade a Pokemon from crystal version to gold version?


How do you catch Suicune on crystal version?

in any version you need a masterball

Can Pokemon Crystal be played on Nintendo DS?

Yes, it can, but only if you have the gameboy version of crystal.

Where do you get radio on crystal version?

At the Radio Tower.

Were is strong wobbufett in Pokemon Crystal version?

The strongest Wobbuffet you can find in crystal version are in Cerulean Cave, they might be a little hard to find though