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It is found in Fuchsia City. Within the Safari Zone, not far from the Secret House where you are given HM03 (Surf), you will find an item called Gold Teeth. Head to the Safari Zone Warden's house, east of the Pokémon Center, and talk to him. He'll take the Gold Teeth and give you HM04 (Strength).

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Q: Where can you get HM strength in Pokemon LeafGreen?
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What are the hm's in Pokemon LeafGreen?

The HM's that are in leafgreen are: Cut, Fly, Surf, Strength, Flash, Rock Smash, Waterfall.

How can you get the hm strength in Pokemon LeafGreen?

Give the warden his gold teeth.

Pokemon LeafGreen where do you find the hm strength?

You have to find the safari zone wardens teeth. give it to him and you get strength

What do you do with the golden teeth on Pokemon LeafGreen?

give them to mr.fuji he will give you hm move strength

Where do find hm strength on Pokemon LeafGreen?

somewhere lol hope i helped loolollololl rofl

How do you make a pokeblock in Pokemon LeafGreen?

you have to go to fushia city and talk to the warden he will give you the hm strength

Where is tmstrength on Pokemon LeafGreen?

Strength is an HM by the way, go to fuschia city go to the safari zone and find the gold teeth bring it to the warden who's house his next to the Pokemon center he will give you the HM Strength.

How do you get your Pokemon push a rock in Pokemon LeafGreen?

Teach it the HM move Strength. You will also need the badge from Celadon City which will allow you to use Strength outside of battle.

How do you find articunu in Pokemon LeafGreen?

Articuno is in Seafoam Islands you need the HM Strength to get to it though and the HM Surf also you need the 4th and 5th badge.

Where do you find strength on Pokemon LeafGreen?

In Pokemon Leaf Green, the HM Strength is given to the player by the Game Warden of the Safari Zone. The player must first find the Warden's missing teeth in the Safari Zone and then he will hand over the HM.

How do you get the HM stregnth in Pokemon LeafGreen?

You get it after you give the gold teeth that you find in the safari zone to the Old Warren, and he will give you strength.

Which Pokemon can use HM strength in leafgreen?

Lapras. You can only get one if you really lucky or if you talk to someone in the Silph Co.