You have to find the (hm) strength make a pokemon learn it then when you click on a rock you will be able to push it I dont know where to find strength as I have never played leaf green but I know how to use strength
There is no TM that can Break rocks in Pokemon leaf green there is however in HM that breaks rocks called RockSmash
With hm strenght.
Yes you can trade leafgreen version Pokemon to another leafgreen version.
where in the solacon ruins i can not find it
you can get mushrooms if you go to mt moon and use the item finder in the lower levels near rocks
There is no TM that can Break rocks in Pokemon leaf green there is however in HM that breaks rocks called RockSmash
You get the TM STRENGTH and then give it to a Pokemon.wohoo
You can use any Pokemon that is able to learn Strength to push rocks.
With hm strenght.
If you push all the boulders into the holes you will be able to capture the Pokemon Unown at the tanoby chambers.
There are no moveable rocks in Altering Cave.
Yes you can trade leafgreen version Pokemon to another leafgreen version.
where in the solacon ruins i can not find it
If you finish the puzzle you can catch the Pokemon unown in the tanoby chambers.
Once you move the rocks in the cavern you can find unknown in the Tanoby Ruins.
Not in Pokemon leafgreen only in Pokemon Firered never ever in Pokemon leafgreen And in Pokemon firered it is rare in power plant not available in Pokemon leafgreen?
Go up a floor and drop down off of the broken ledge. Go off of the first one.