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Sorry, but the only way to obtain Eevee in Pokemon emerald, is to trade from Pokemon Fire read, or Leaf green. ;)

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Q: Where can you get Eevee on Pokemon Emerald?
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Can you find Eevee in Pokemon emerald if you can were?

there is no eevee :(

Where is Eevee in Pokemon Emerald?

There is none.

How do you get Eevee in Emerald version?

There isn't an eevee in Pokemon Emerald. If you go to you can find lots of other way to get eevee in the other games

What Pokemon can evolve from a thunder stone in Pokemon emerald?

you can evolve pikachu into Raichu and Eevee into Jolteon

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There are no Eevee in Pokemon Emerald. To obtain one you would have to trade from another game.

Were do you get Eevee in Pokemon emerald?

you need to trade from Pokemon leafgreen or firered

How do you get epee in Pokemon Emerald?

You can't get Eevee in Pokemon Emerald/Ruby/Sapphire, you have to trade it from another game.

Can you catch Eevee in Pokemon emerald?

no, you get it from someone and can breed them

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get eevee and use a fire stone

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In Pokemon Emerald, Eevee and Poliwhirl can only be obtained via trading...

Can you trade a eevee from a Pokemon emerald game to another emerald game without a national dex my friend has a eevee on his game and he has completed the but i not has anbody the answer?

Nope. The only way to trade a pokemon not on the Hoenn Pokedex to Emerald Is by obtaining the Nationaldex yourself.

Can you get a evee in Pokemon Emerald?

No you cannot get an Eevee. You can only get one by trading.