After you get the national pokedex, insert a Pokemon leafgreen cartridge into the nds, and you can find vulpix in route 209
vulpix is not in Pokemon platinum version.
You will need LeafGreenGBA, put that game and Platinum into your DS go to the route south-west of solaceon in the grass you can find Vulpix rarely. -Empol
I'm not sure if you can catch Vulpix in Platinum but I do know that you can migrate it from either Pokemon Sapphire or Emerald, and some sources say you can even get Vulpix from Pokemon Leafgreen. I hope this helped.
the trainer by that place, you know ? :)
no Pokemon evolves with a fire stone in Pokemon platinum except eevee which turns in to flareon
vulpix is not in Pokemon platinum version.
You will need LeafGreenGBA, put that game and Platinum into your DS go to the route south-west of solaceon in the grass you can find Vulpix rarely. -Empol
No, you need to dongle with leafgreen to get vulpix.
I'm not sure if you can catch Vulpix in Platinum but I do know that you can migrate it from either Pokemon Sapphire or Emerald, and some sources say you can even get Vulpix from Pokemon Leafgreen. I hope this helped.
you have to have leaf green inserted and there's a 5% chance you'll find it on route 214 or 209
It is found on Routes 209 and 214 but only if the leafgreen cartridge is in the Gameboy slot
the trainer by that place, you know ? :)
no Pokemon evolves with a fire stone in Pokemon platinum except eevee which turns in to flareon
u cannot but once you get the national dex you can migrate vulpix then use a firestone to evolve it an voila you've got a ninetales
You can't, you have to catch it in GBA games or heartgold/soulsilver
Vulpix cannot be found in Crystal.
where to find a vulpix on pokemon UNOVARPG