Go to Solaceon town. Behind the north-most building there's a little path with ledge's. it's a little puzzle. I think the route you take is middle? if not, you'll be able to start over. there's a cave. you go in it and if you run around alot, you'll run into some Unknown.
You may need to find a trainer who has an Unown (sometimes wrongly spelled as Unknown) to complete your Pokedex. You can find someone who has it in the Solaceon Ruins.
That is unknown.
breed an electabuzz if you want an elekid in Pokemon platinum
You can't find Vibrava on Pokémon Platinum
where can i find the second gym in Pokemon platinum
In Diamond it is in the ruins with the Unknown, I am not sure about Platinum though.
You can find the M form of Unown in the Solaceon Ruins of Pokemon Platinum. This form of Unown appears in the dead-end rooms of the Ruins.
The Solaceon Ruins.
no, these Pokemon are unknown in Pokemon platinum
They are the alphabet :)
You may need to find a trainer who has an Unown (sometimes wrongly spelled as Unknown) to complete your Pokedex. You can find someone who has it in the Solaceon Ruins.
you can get seals with the unknows
That is unknown.
buy the Pokemon platinum book
The 151st Pokemon is Mew and is unobtainable in Pokemon Platinum.
no you can't find a torchic egg in Pokemon platinum
It's currently unknown which countries Pokemon Platinum is gonna be launched anywhere else, other than Japan.