to get the silph scope, you must defeat team rocket in the silph co. buildig in saffron city. then talk to the manager who will give you the silph scope.
use action replay
Scope lens cost 64 BP in the BP exchange building. Hope i helped a lot! Thanks for reading!
You get the flute in the Pokemon tower after you get the silph scope.
A Devon scope.
You have to find Steven and he'll give you Devon Scope and you use that on the invisible object.
Follow instructions included with the scope. If you don't have them, find a gunsmith.
Go to the Scholastic site and look up scope answer key.
There are several online sources where one can find a Golf Scope Rangefinder by Bushnell. Amazon, Brookstone and Binoculars are websites where one can find this item.
You have to mention the gun to get an answer.
if the top of the airsoft gun is spiked back a little and it is as big as a normal scope many you would be able to find a scope for it?????
You get the Silph Scope in the Celadon City Game Corner basement (Team Rocket HQ).
Does it have the Weaver scope? No scope.
please find a answer and give it to me
In Pokemon Yellow you have to find the silph scope, and then go the the tower and it is the unidentified ghost!
Just defeat Giovanni in the Team Rocket HQ in the game corner, he should leave behind the silph scope.
Numrich Gun Parts Corp.
you must search on youtube there you can find it