You have to find Steven and he'll give you Devon Scope and you use that on the invisible object.
In Fortree City.
it is i n fortree city
fortree city vs winona
fortree city. flying types
its in fortree city
fortree city
In Fortree City.
it is i n fortree city
fortree city vs winona
Fortree city Feturing Flying types in its gym
The sixth gym AKA the fortree city gym specializes in Flying Type Pokemon.
fortree city. flying types
The 6th gym leader in Pokémon Sapphire is found at the Fortree Gym. The name of the gym leader here is Winona.
Winona at fortree city.
You can battle the gym leader and trade with a girl that offers a Skitty for a Pikachu.
Make your way to lilycove. Use the map and devon scope. It should be south then east.