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Q: Where can you find the mini weetabix game find Nigel?
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In my sims kingdom where can you find the perplexing paw?

First you go to the Mary the old lady who gives you the kayak mini game. If you pass the level she will give you the perplexing paw as the mini game award.

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You complete the harvesting mini-game found at many intervals throughout the in-game worlds.

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she's not there in "Wimpy Wonderland". She only appears after you beat the game and after you do the sledding mini-game.

How do you find Nigel quicker at findnigelcom?

(you will need the sound on.)1. Get the voice to say 'mini' quicker to brake the machine.(To do that, move your mouse around the room.)2. When you get to the chocolate gun, keep shooting stuff until it tells you where to shoot.3. When you get to the minimizer, minimize the box of weetabix minis next to the cafeteria.4. Don't hold down the mouse button, just move the mouse, you don't have to get the bar full up, just go until the yellow bit.(All true. I've done them all.)

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Horse tails are an item used in the game Mini Ninjas. They can be found in chapter 5 titled "Distress Signals".

What do you do after you find Luna's lost belongings?

The game is over. You can keep playing to beat all the mini-games or start a new game.

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The game is over. You can keep playing to beat all the mini-games or start a new game.

How do you find all of the mini kits in Lego star wars2 for the game boy?

You buy a minikit detector

What is moshiling boshiling on moshi monsters?

Moshling Boshling is a Mini Game which you can find in Main Street. Click on a round thing by the people eating the picnic. That round thing is called a Glump. Click on the picnic basket and the Glump will be stealing food. In this Mini Game you can earn rox. Click on 'Instructions' to find out more about the game.

Can you attract Mini Ben in the Moshi Cupcakes game?

No. You can not get Mini Ben in the Moshi Cupcakes game.