First you go to the Mary the old lady who gives you the kayak mini game. If you pass the level she will give you the perplexing paw as the mini game award.
you have to get a medal in kayaking :)
talk to the ranger he will give you it
all you have to do to find the zombie monkey paw is search your coach/loveseat actually pretty easy but it may take a couple og turns
1. Go to Buy mode2. View by Category3. Click the pets category represented by a paw 4. Click the horses tab
I don't know which ones they are for but heres 14 scorpion,boot,paw,snake paw,scorpion,skull,bat skull,track,centipede,spider centipedespider,boot,scorpion snake,scorpion,boot,spider paw,track,croc,skull croc,skull,centipede,spider track,snake,bat,skull spider,boot,bat,croc snake,centipede,boot,croc scorpion,paw,track,snake croc,snake,paw,scorpion bat,centipede,croc,skull bat,track,skull,paw
play kayaking
you have to get a medal in kayaking :)
get bronze metal in kayaking
(By she'll I mean Mary.)
You have to get a bronze medal in Kayaking
Roy or that blue headed girl or the clothing store lady gives you the perplexing paw
do kayaking to get bronze to get the perplexing paw
By getting a gold ( or maybe silver) medal at the kayak game. It's very hard. Lol it took me days to get it. I didn't know then that I'd get the perplexing paw. I hope this helps!~Mystery person......wuz here :D
Win a kayak race. You have to get a medal, it can be bronze, silver, gold, or platimum. You just have to get a medal.
you have to win it! You have to enter the kayaking competition and get a medal, or as i have researched go to tims zoo and give him a photograph.
talk to the ranger he will give you it
i asked this same question 2 days ago and finally beat the game! wiki answers roxx!!! anyway, u get a bronze metal in kayaking then your prize is the perplexing paw.