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At Saffron city.. In their house,, in her room; go upstairs after talking to her father and sister.. :)

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Q: Where can you find the copycat girl in Pokemon silver?
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Where is the Copycat girl in Pokemon Soul Silver?

she's in saffron city

Where is the copycat girl in Pokemon Silver?

She's in Saffron City in Kanto.

How do you find the mimic in soul silver?

hive the copycat girl in saffron city a poke doll and she will teach one of your Pokemon mimic

Where do you find the copycat girl in pokemon gold?

Copycat's house is located in the northwestern part of Saffron City.

Where do you get magnet train pass on Pokemon silver version?

get clafairy doll for copycat girl in saffron

Where do you find the copycat girl after you have fixed the generator on Pokemon SoulSilver?

u can find her in saffron city

Where do you find the lost doll the that copycat girl lost in Pokemon HeartGold?

In the fan club in Vermillion City.

Where is the copycat girl in Pokemon Gold?

safron city

In Pokemon heartgold how do you give the copycat girl her doll?

You Find it in the Vermillion City Pokemon Club. and Then once you have it just go up to her and press A

Where in vermilion do you find the poke doll in Pokemon Silver?

First you have to go talk to the copycat girl in the upstairs room of her house in saffron. She will say that she lost it in Vermillion City. Go to Vermillion. In the Pokemon fan club a man will have it. Talk to him and he will tell you to give it back to the "poor" little girl. Go back to Saffron and give it to the copycat girl. She will then give you a magnet train ticket to Goldenrod City back in Johto.

How do you get to the copycat girl in goldenrod city?

Actually, Copycat is in Saffron city (Kanto) and if you look long enough, you will find a pink house and go in then go upstairs and the girl is Copycat.

How do you fix the magnet train in Pokemon soul silver?

(first, you must fix the power plant near cerulean.) You must give the copycat girl in saffron city her lost doll. Talk to her, and she will mimic you, saying that you will go find the doll for her. Go to vermillion city, and enter the Pokemon fan club. Talk to the guy at the table with the clefairy doll. He will give you the doll. Return it to the copycat girl, and she will give the magnet train pass.