If you mean super rod:
You have to go to mosdeep city and go up the white rock then you will see a house, beside the house there is this guy who gives it to you
My good sir, mega balls are nonexistent in the pokemon video game series.
download a Pokemon gba ROM and no$gba
Usually at target you can find a piplup doll in the Pokemon section. If you are asking 'Where can you find a Piplup in the Pokemon game?' you need the ds games Pokemon Diamond, Pokemon Pearl, or Platinum.
try seribii.net.. it has heaps of info on all gba pokemon games!!
I am afraid you cannot find Roselia in leaf green.You have to trade it from other Pokemon games,but not Fire Red
My good sir, mega balls are nonexistent in the pokemon video game series.
in a route
You can find some Pokemon Games at GameStop 99.99% of the time.
You cannot find the Mega Stone for Latios in Pokémon X or Pokémon Y.
in pokemon games
Pokemon are not real, but you can play Pokemon games on Nintendo DS...etc.
gamestop and eb games will be able to have the game you want. Pokemon is my specialty
Mega Games offers services for PC and console gamers. News, cheats, fixes, downloads, videos, editorials, trainers and forums are available for use on the website.
be super mega fat
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I honestly don't know, they did make a charizard mega evolution but the legendries as such don't evolve, and if they do it defeats the purpose. because in one of the games I played, which I think was heart gold, professor elm said that legendries don't evolve and he wanted to find out why
Pokemon Indigo. You do not need to download.