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If you mean super rod:

You have to go to mosdeep city and go up the white rock then you will see a house, beside the house there is this guy who gives it to you

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Q: Where can you find the Mega Rod in Pokemon games Help?
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Mega Games offers services for PC and console gamers. News, cheats, fixes, downloads, videos, editorials, trainers and forums are available for use on the website.

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== ==

Will Kyogre be able to mega evolve in Pokemon Omega Ruby or Alpha Sapphire?

I honestly don't know, they did make a charizard mega evolution but the legendries as such don't evolve, and if they do it defeats the purpose. because in one of the games I played, which I think was heart gold, professor elm said that legendries don't evolve and he wanted to find out why

Where can you find Pokemon games - such as Pokemon RPG - without downloading them?

Pokemon Indigo. You do not need to download.