Usually at target you can find a piplup doll in the Pokemon section. If you are asking
'Where can you find a Piplup in the Pokemon game?' you need the ds games Pokemon Diamond, Pokemon Pearl, or Platinum.
You get prinplup when piplup evolves. To get piplup you either pick chimchar, turtwig, or piplup.
Piplup does not exist in Pokemon LeafGreen or FireRed.
The piplup boat is during the Pokemon parade at wifi(the bottom of poke center)
pick it as your starter
U can't catch prinplup u only can evolve it from piplup and to get piplup is to cheat or at the start of the game u choose piplup as the starter hope this helped :)
The evolved form of Piplup is Prinplup. You get it by evolving Piplup at level 16.
Piplup is not found in Ruby.. Piplup wasn't created when they made Pokemon Ruby.
You get prinplup when piplup evolves. To get piplup you either pick chimchar, turtwig, or piplup.
Piplup does not exist in Pokemon LeafGreen or FireRed.
The only ways to get piplup are by picking it as your starter, trading, or breeding
you get piplup through a mission close to shiver camp-_-'
The piplup boat is during the Pokemon parade at wifi(the bottom of poke center)
1.Get it at the beginning of the game. 2.Get someone to trade you a Piplup. 3.Use an Action Replay/Gameshark and find a trainer with a piplup and catch it using catch trainers Pokemon code.(Not really recommended...But it is a choise..?) Or go near the entrance of Eterna Forest and find a Camping-like girls and battle her,she has a piplup.
pick it as your starter
U can't catch prinplup u only can evolve it from piplup and to get piplup is to cheat or at the start of the game u choose piplup as the starter hope this helped :)
You will need to transfer Piplup from the older games (Diamond/Pearl/Platinum to Black/White, then to the Pokebank) or trade for it.