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you can find ralts in route 102.

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Q: Where can you find ralts?
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Where do you find ralts in Pokemon mystery blue?

You find Ralts in Wish Cave, floors 11 - 13

How do you catch a ralts in pokemon emerald?

Go to Petalburg city, then walk to the right you will be in Route 102. There in the bushes you can find Ralts. (The chance to find Ralts is 4 in 100).

Where do you find a ralts in pokemon SoulSilver?

to find a ralts in soulsilver tune in on your radio every day and one day yuoll find a ralts. need answers ? im all around every day.

Where do you find a Ralts in Pokemon HeartGold?

Ralts is a swarming Pokemon at Route 34. You can also trade or transfer a Ralts from another game.

Which route can you find Ralts?

In ruby you will find it in route 102.

Where do you find a ralts in Pokemon Ruby?

route 102

Where to find ralts in soul silver?

Route 34.

Where can you find a gallade in Pokemon platinum?

You would need to evolve a male Kirlia with a Dawn Stone. You can start out with a Ralts in Route 34 when Lucas/Dawn's sister say there's a swarm of Ralts. You can also use the PokeRadar in Route 203 or Route 204 to find Ralts. Ralts can evolve into Kirlia at level 20.

Where can you find ralts in Pokemon pearl?

go to Jubilife city. when u get to the cave, in the grass, use the poke radar. if it is not ralts KILL IT

Ralts a Pokemon legend?

Ralts is not a legendary Pokemon. It's a common Pokemon that you can find in the grass, though it tends to appear rarely.

Where is the best place to find ralts in Pokemon emerald?

Finding ralts takes patience and time..go east of petalburg..[the patch of grass where the girl is standing][u find it there!!!].

How do you evolve ralts into gardevoir?

level up Ralts to 20 let it evolve then and then 30 to Gardevoir. I find it easier if yo let ralts level up to 29(better if you have an everstone) let it evolve then to 30.