First, you MUST have 10 credits. You have to go to the link that says My Pokemon, then look for the link that says Spend Your Credits. Go down and look for Larvitar, click on him and trade your 10 credits for him.
it depends in its element....
I am guessing this means "Where is the Pokemon Larvitar?". You can find it in the tall grass on Route 207 using Pokemon radar. If you mean "What does Larvitar evolve into?", then it first evolves into Pupitar, then Tyranitar.
find a caterpie in eterna forest then level it to level 7 and it will evolve into larvitar
Mt Silver.
u could find it at the rock or map 6.
You find him in spring path
prany i dont know
it depends in its element....
just wak in the maps and you will find it
No. Larvitar is only available in Pokemon Diamond.
There is only rainbow ponytas' in Pokemon battle arena, you can get them and find the rarely on route 7.
you can't find larvitar in pearl. You can only find it in diamond.
The easiest way to find larvitar is to look on route J. It may take a while but you will find it
Any unevolved bug type pokemon.
I am guessing this means "Where is the Pokemon Larvitar?". You can find it in the tall grass on Route 207 using Pokemon radar. If you mean "What does Larvitar evolve into?", then it first evolves into Pupitar, then Tyranitar.
you cant get him in ruby,sapphire or emerald
You Can Get It At Battle Arena After You Beat The Game.