

Best Answer

In Safari Zone and Mt. SilverSilver

Safari Z

Safarit. Silver

Safari Zone
You get larvitar at Mt.Silver on soul silver. He is very rare though.You can also find it at the safari zone. Use the area customizer to swap 1 of the current area to Mountain area. You should try to find it at around 1600-1830 pm. I try it before but it is hard to find and hard to catch. I meet with larvitar 2 times in mountain area, but cant manage to catch it. Wish you good luck

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Q: Where can you find larvitar in Pokemon SoulSilver?
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Pokemon SoulSilver catch larvitar before beating Pokemon leaugue?

you cant

How do you get larvitar on Pokemon SoulSilver?

To get Larvitar, you can either go to a certain area of the Safari Zone (where they are extremely rare), or you can go to Mt. Silver and try to find one there (they are still rare).

How do you get a Tyranitar in Pokemon SoulSilver?

Train larvitar to level 30 then pupitar to level 55.

Does larvitar evolve of pokemon soulsilver version?

yes larvitar does. level 30 pupitaar level 55 tyranitar. suggest training at mt silver.

Can you find larvitar in Pokemon Blue?

No. Larvitar is only available in Pokemon Diamond.

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you can't find larvitar in pearl. You can only find it in diamond.

Where i can find larvitar in pokemon flora sky?

The easiest way to find larvitar is to look on route J. It may take a while but you will find it

What Pokemon to larvitar?

I am guessing this means "Where is the Pokemon Larvitar?". You can find it in the tall grass on Route 207 using Pokemon radar. If you mean "What does Larvitar evolve into?", then it first evolves into Pupitar, then Tyranitar.

Where can you find Larvitar on Pokemon Platinum?

find a caterpie in eterna forest then level it to level 7 and it will evolve into larvitar

What level does Larvitar evolve in soulsilver?

Larvitar evolves into Pupitar at level 30.

Is shelgon a rare Pokemon?

Not really. Bagon is a slightly uncommon Pokemon to find in the wild (similar to Larvitar), and Shelgon just evolves from Bagon. Its not that hard to get. Shelgon is only rare in the Safari Zone of HeartGold/SoulSilver.

What kinds Pokemon can you find on route 8 on Pokemon crater?

you can rarely find larvitar.