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south of mossdeep on the shallow waters there are two guys one of them gives you dynamic punch

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Q: Where can you find dynamic punch in sapphire?
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You cannot find Focus Punch in Crystal. Focus Punch was introduced in Pokemon Ruby/ Sapphire. Focus punch is TM 1 in Ruby/Sapphire.

Where do you find the TM dynamic punch in Pokemon ruby?

it is in mossdeep city. there is a black belt who lost to the gym leader.

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According to Pokemon X,Y, Omega Ruby, and Alpha Sapphire, Magby can learn Barrier, Belch, Belly Drum, Cross Chop, Dynamic Punch, Flare Blitz, Focus Energy, Iron Tail, Karate Chop, Mach Punch, Mega Punch, Power Swap, Screech, or Thunder Punch as its Egg Moves.

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You can't get a TM of it.

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Machop learns Dynamic punch at level 46. its machops strongest move.

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Level 46.

Where do you get dynamic punch in Pokemon FireRed?

As you are about to enter Cerulean City, You will see 2 men standing in a clearing, facing each other. One of the men teaches a pokemon in your party "Dynamic Punch", the other teaches your pokemon "Dynamic Kick".

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Blaze kick, Overheat, in emerald dynamic punch if not focus punch, and return.

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department store at goldenrod city

Where do you teach Pokemon dynamic punch in platinum?

There are move tutors in certain versions that will teach Pokemon Thunder Punch.

How do you find focus punch sapphire version?

go to rusbro city go up then go to the water and surf up until you see a place where there is jigglypuff go on the rocks and the poke'ball has focus punch in it. for all old comers jigglypuff island