She is in the house behind prof oak's lab in pallet town.
in pallet town
In Pokemon soul silver, haircuts serve the same purpose. In the Goldenrod Underground (the entrance is next to the colorful tent), you can find one of the brothers at a booth on various days. Daisy Oak will also massage your pokemon.
show her a Pokemon with full hapiness (lol) and have her massage it 5 times.(lol+) (:
What the hell is a Pokemon crystal
You can find it in the town where you get the package for the oak as well as the place you go to get to Indigo Plato.
In Pokemon LeafGreen Oak will never give you a Mudkip, Treeco or Torchic. This is primarily due to Leafgreen and FireRed being in the same generation as Ruby and Sapphire which has those starter Pokemon.
Prof oak after beating the elite four.
Go to pallet town and then you use surf in under prof oak house.
She is in the house behind prof oak's lab in pallet town.
I think you have to catch 40 Pokemon or more, then go to Oak, then find one of his aids. They can also give you exp. share and amulet coin.
Uuuuuuummmmmmmmmm..........., you don't. C Dawg
see every pokemon in the kanto region then visit professer oak
give the pokemon an everstone to hold. you can get one from prof. oak's aid
In Pokemon Yellow, the only obtainable Pikachu is the one you receive from Professor Oak. You have to cheat or trade to obtain another Pikachu.
Catch 70 Pokemons and after you have done that talk to OAK
If you have 60 Pokemon or more after beating the game oak will give you the national dex which will allow you to catch and own johto and hoenn Pokemon.