Click hentai, pictures Go to the search bar type "furry bomb" you will find 1-5 some of which are translated.
sonic tails amy knukles rouge metal sonic sara blaze espio vector charmy metal sonic,shadow,tails and metal knukles bark bean heavey bomb omega shadow maria robotnick blaze silver
go to the address below when you get on the page, scroll half way down and you should see SONIC BATTLE M.E with all the sonic characters appearing . its a full mugen game, but if you just want the characters then open the folder named "CHARS" . all the sonic characters will be there.
Super sonic and that is all I know
Sonic all the away
collect all the red star rings then beat all the levels in the sonic simulator
Basically all it is is Sonic Porn, its really so read it before meals. Or after if you're anorexic lol jk
You can find Sonic characters at Wikipedia and Google.
here you can read the first untranslated You can read all off them untranslated at
That all depends on the type of sonic
Any shoe store!
find all the red rings and beat all the Sonic Simulator levels to find out ;) okay i hate having to earn to know, it's Super Sonic
sonic tails amy knukles rouge metal sonic sara blaze espio vector charmy metal sonic,shadow,tails and metal knukles bark bean heavey bomb omega shadow maria robotnick blaze silver
you can find vairous themes from Sonic and Sonic 3 as well as all of the themes from sonic 2 at under the sega genesis tab to the left. all music is in the key of c for piano
There are BILLIONS of sonic fangames you can find online, if I listed them all, it would be greater than 1B characters.
i don't think there is! to unlock metal sonic you have to find all the emblems.
Oh that's easy, in Sonic Rush Adventure, all you gotta do is first, find the "Underground Hide-Out" and then... That's it.
Yes they are. Personally, I find them soft all the time since they're tiny and furry.