Water stones can be found through multiple methods;
Kanto- Route 25 (Show Bill's Grandfather a Marill in HG or a Staryu in SS) and the Seafoam islands
Johto- Win the bug catching contest at the national park, or from the trainer on route 42 who gives you gifts
You have to use a water stone.
you find the sihny ston in mewtoo's cave
In order of how he wants to see them (based on Heart Gold and Soul Silver): Gold/Heart Gold: Oddish - Leaf Stone Growlithe - Fire Stone Pichu - Thunderstone Jigglypuff - Everstone Marill - Water Stone Silver/Soul Silver: Lickitung - Everstone Oddish - Leaf Stone Staryu - Water Stone Vulpix - Fire Stone Pichu - Thunderstone
You can purchase a Dawn Stone at the Pokeathlon with points on certain days.
You evolve shelder with a water stone.
Evee evolves with the water stone into Vaporeon .
you have to evolve it with a water stone
You have to use a water stone.
use a grass stone on eevee;-)
you find the sihny ston in mewtoo's cave
In order of how he wants to see them (based on Heart Gold and Soul Silver): Gold/Heart Gold: Oddish - Leaf Stone Growlithe - Fire Stone Pichu - Thunderstone Jigglypuff - Everstone Marill - Water Stone Silver/Soul Silver: Lickitung - Everstone Oddish - Leaf Stone Staryu - Water Stone Vulpix - Fire Stone Pichu - Thunderstone
You can get the moon stone in the cave when you are when you are heading to the Kanto Reigon.
You can purchase a Dawn Stone at the Pokeathlon with points on certain days.
You evolve shelder with a water stone.
if it's the ruins of alph that you're talking about, it's a water stone
You have to catch a Growlithe, then give it a Fire Stone. It evolves.
You find him at the Pewter city meuseam.