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At Jagged Pass, it's at north of Route 112.

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Q: Where can you find a spoink in Pokemon emerald?
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What Pokemon comes after Torkoal in Pokemon emerald?

In the pokedex, spoink.

What cave do you catch spoink on Pokemon emerald?

to get spoink u must to jaged pass the place near lavaridge town to get there u must go up the cart thing when u get to the volcano go down and youll find some grass go there and u might find spoink there

Cara mendapatkan Grumping di Pokemon emerald?

Di jadged pass, dapatkan spoink. Kamu harus menaikan level spoink ke level 32. Spoink berubah jadi grumpig!!

How do you get spoink in Pokemon emerald?

It is in the grass parts just under mt chimney when you are jumping over the ledges

What level does a spoink evolve in Pokemon emerald?

It evolves into Grumpig and the official website has all you need to know about that

What type of Pokemon is Spoink?

Spoink is a Psychic type pokemon.

What level does spoink evolve in emerald?

Spoink evolves into Grumpig at level 32.

How do you find a grumpig in emerald?

you get a spoink from jagged pass an level it up to lv 32

Where is spoink in Pokemon SoulSilver?

Nowhere, spoink is only in Hoenn.

Where can you get a spoink in emerald?

you can find a spoink on the jaggad pass if u take the lift u can go downward u should get a battle quickly dispose of him. THan u should see a patch of grass with ash's on it search there your should find a spoink. this is also where u can find a machop. hope i helped you out. =}

Where to catch spoink in emerald?

Jaged pass by lavaridge! (:

What Pokemon are at mtpyre sapphire?

There aren't any Pokemon on Mt. Pyre. There are Pokemon on the trail that leads from Mt. Pyre down to Lavaridge town. You can find Spoink, Numel, Zigzagoon, and possibly other Pokemon, but the only exlusive Pokemon to that trail is Spoink.