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The word "onomatopoeia" has six syllables. Onomatopoeia is a literary device in which a word is a phonetic imitation of a sound.
Here is a list of words up to 8 characters long. There are quite a few that are longer. You can find the complete list by following the related link:5 letter words:bible 6 letter words:alible ediblefoible7 letter words:addible audiblefusiblelegiblemixiblerisiblevisible8 letter words:credible crucibleeducibleelidibleeligibleerodibleerosibleevadibleexigiblefalliblefeasiblefencibleflexibleforciblefungiblegulliblehorribleinediblelapsiblemandiblemisciblepartiblepassiblepossiblerendiblerinsiblesensibletangibletensibleterriblethuribleunediblevendiblevincible
There are no English language 6 letter words that begin with the letter i and end with the letter j.
Many Monsters Made Madelina Many Maps
Predictability, weatherability.
cup-cake ta-ble
The following are 6 syllable words:fundamentalismmemorabiliaincapacitatedbiodegradabletheoreticallyrevolutionaryresponsibilityagriculturalistintellectuallycoincidentallymethodologicalillegitimatelyThere are many, many more!
The word "onomatopoeia" has six syllables. Onomatopoeia is a literary device in which a word is a phonetic imitation of a sound.
Exercises (ex-er-ci-ses).Before a game, you usually have to do exercises.
Here is a list of words up to 8 characters long. There are quite a few that are longer. You can find the complete list by following the related link:5 letter words:bible 6 letter words:alible ediblefoible7 letter words:addible audiblefusiblelegiblemixiblerisiblevisible8 letter words:credible crucibleeducibleelidibleeligibleerodibleerosibleevadibleexigiblefalliblefeasiblefencibleflexibleforciblefungiblegulliblehorribleinediblelapsiblemandiblemisciblepartiblepassiblepossiblerendiblerinsiblesensibletangibletensibleterriblethuribleunediblevendiblevincible
# Entity
Just off the top of my head: extracurricular gladiatorial premeditatedly phantasmagorical anthropomorphically interrelatedly Is that enough for now?
Psalm 34:14; 37:3 and 37:27, Luke 6:35, and 1 Peter 3:11.
You can list the multiples. The LCM of 4 and 6 is 12.4: 4, 8, 12, 166: 6, 12, 18