There are several places in which you can find killer beetles:
Flooded Forest:
Areas: 2,4,7,9 and 10
Areas: 1,2
Although you can find killer beetles in the flooded forest, it is much easier to get them in the volcano.
Monster Keenbone is randomly dropped from the following large monsters (High-Rank, 6 Stars+ only): Anjanath (High-Rank, Ancient Forest) Barroth (High-Rank, Wildspire Waste). ☺
It is extremely rare underwater looking for it, but I got most of mine from the hunting fleets offline looking in the treasure areas.
The Only way to defeat or find Acidrake is to click battle monster, there is no quest to find the monster/
You need to find natural dungeons or caves. There will be a chance that a monster spawner will be in there.
There are random honeycombs around in areas like the forest and one in the snow mountains. Inside the cave in the snow mountains to the left where the old man is. Just search with the O button around any honeycomb and you will find some.
Just look in the volcano area 2 in the bug spot. Might be able to find a killer beetle or two there also!
in the pokke farm insect bush but you will need to upgrad it first in the pokke farm insect bush but you will need to upgrad it first
Kill a sharq with a harpoon then carve it.
Got to or
You can't. You have to find them.
You can get it from Giaprey's after the quest ends.Good Luck Finding it...CeroNueve09™
You can get it by combining a Catalyst and a Power Seed.
You can usually find it in area 12 in Moga Woods.
ask obi wan
I think you mean gluehoppers. You find them in the Sandy Plains where you use bug nets.
in the desert area you can sometimes find them in plants in area 1,3 and 5.
Most medium sized monsters drop them, but I think the best way is to kill apcerpos in the desert or volcano.